
Botanical Name: Salix caprea
English Name: European pussy willow, Goat willow, Pussy-willow
Local Name: Arabic (4) : khilaf, ma-el-khilaf, maul-khilaf, qilaf balaqi English (4) : goat willow, kilmarnock willow, pussy or goat willow, pussy willow Hindi (2) : bed-mushk, bedmushk Persian (5) : aarqe-bede-mushk, balqiya, bede-mushk, garba-e-baid, mushk-e-bai

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Unique identification feature
  •   Deciduous small tree or shrub, stiffly pendulous, with simple leaves, tiny flowers and yellowish branches. Some have brightly coloured shoots and others impressive foliage. goat willow and other broader-leafed species of willow (including grey willow) are sometimes referred to as 'sallows'. Goat willow is known as ‘great sallow’ and grey willow as ‘common sallow’. Both species are also sometimes called 'pussy willow' after the silky grey male flowers, which resemble a cat's paws.
Unique identification feature
  •    Goat willow timber is soft and yellow in colour. Unlike most willows, its brittle twigs are not suitable for weaving, but traditional uses for its wood included clothes pegs, while the foliage was used as a winter feed for cattle. The wood also burns well and makes a good fuel.Traditionally willows were used to relieve pain, and the painkiller Asprin is derived from salicin, a compound found in the bark of all Salix species. 
Planting and Care
  •   Bare Root is usually available for pre-order mid-October, dispatching between early November and late March. Exact dates vary year to year depending on the weather. We cannot guarantee availability for a certain date at the beginning or end of the season.Important Bare Root CareAs soon as you receive your bare root plants place the items upright in a bucket of clean water immediately leaving them for at least 2 hours. Only take plants out as you need them for planting. Bare root plants must always be planted with wet roots, it’s not good enough to plant them dry and water them after planting. Bare root plants should only be planted in good quality, free draining soil to the level they have been grown at nursery. Always make sure they are ‘healed in’ well and watered immediately after plating and whenever there are 3 or more days of dry weather, in particularly hot periods you may need to water daily during the first year.

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