Patali/ Yellow snake Tree

Botanical Name: Stereospermum tetragonum
English Name: Yellow snake Tree
Local Name: Patali

More Information

Unique identification feature
  •   Stereospermum tetragonum, the Yellow Snake Tree or Patali , is 15-20 metres tall tree. The fruit is long, 4-angular, slightly curved , 30-70 cm, about 1 cm in diameter. This probably is the source of its common name Snake tree. also known as Stereospermum colais, it is found in India , Myanmar and Sri Lanka: where it is '' common in moist deciduous forests and occasional in openings or margins of evergreen forests, up to 1200m''.
Unique identification feature
  •    Leaffall -  March to AprilFlowering  - May to JulyFruiting  - July to August 
Planting and Care
  •   It is used for protection against indigestion, hiccups, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, fever, diabetes, liver disorders, and asthma.  People apply Patali to the skin to heal wounds.  It lowers the blood sugar and cholesterol, reduce pain, reduce swelling, lower fevers, and protect the liver from toxins.

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