
Botanical Name: Saraca indica
English Name: Ashok
Local Name: Hindi - Sita Ashoka, Bengali - Ashoka, Marathi - Ashoka, Jasundi, Gujarati - Ashoka, Malayalam - Asokam, Tamil - Asogam

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Unique identification feature
  •   Ashoka is an evergreen wild tree still found in Himalayas and across Indian sub-continent. Its height is about 6 to 9 meters, leaves 15 to 25 cm long and green colour.In spring season ashoka tree is covered with red colour flowers and looks really very beautiful. The fruits are about 6 to 10 inches long, looks like broad beans containing 6-8 grey colour seed like chest nut.  
Unique identification feature
  •    Ashoka is a very popular medicinal herb in Ayurveda, where it is said to be particularly useful for treating a range of conditions related to the female reproductive system.It is strongly astringent uterine sedative and is said to have a stimulating effect on uterine and ovarian tissue .The bark is antiabortive, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, strongly haemostatic, oxytocic, neural tonic, refrigerent, sedative, uterine tonic, vermicida.It is used in the treatment of a range of conditions, especially those affecting the urinary system and is held to be a very effective treatment in all manner of conditions related to the female reproductive system. It has a strong effect upon the uterine muscles, and is especially useful in the treatment of uterine haemorrhages, menstrual cramps, menorrhagia and leucorrhoea. It is also used to treat conditions such as haemorrhoids and internal bleeding. <!--[endif]-->The plant has been shown to stimulate the endometrium and ovarian tissue, and to be useful in treating disorders such as menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual syndrome, abnormal bleeding and threatened abortion. The seeds are used in the treatment of urinary discharges   
Planting and Care
  •   Sunlight: Full shadeSoil: Well drained soilWater: MediumTemperature: 20 to 35 degrees CFertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizerPlants need water, but the watering amount varies in different plants.Summer Plants does not need much watering but some Vegetables plant does need lots of water.Watering should be in an optimum amount for plant's healthy growth.For proper watering, first find the type of soil and type of soil drainage favorable for the plant.Watering is one of the major factors of Ashoka care.A caring gardener should always know the amount of water needed for respective plants.In summer: Lots of watering.In Winter: Average Water.If you have a large garden, compare and discover plants which need lots of water and you will be able to decide the irrigation method to install in your garden.For over-watering plants drip irrigation is implemented.Such methods will help to water your plants in precise quantities ensuring their perfect care.     

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